Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Best News!!

So I got a phone call yesterday, kind of outta the blue. About a month ago I had interviewed for an internship down at the department of urban development in the Grand Forks city government. It was going to be a part-time paid internship, but they gave it to someone else. So I was very bummed, and just finally started to get used to the idea that I would be working at Target all summer (including most weekends). I was really upset at first because I like to go home during the weeknds during the summer. Well back to my phone call, it was the people down at the department of Urban develoment again. They offered me a full-time paid intership! It is very rare to even find a paid internship, and I found a full-time one! I will be working directly with the director of the department on a big project on the downtown parking issues that Grand Forks faces. This internship may continue into the school year! So I gave Target my notice and I won't have to work weekends anymore! This is my last saturday working at Target, but I do feel so bad that I couldnt give them a two weeks notice at Target!!


kristine said...

Katie - That is WONDERFUL news!! COngrat on the full time, PAID internship. You are right, those are hard to come by! You deserve it! Oh no - no more discount at Target. Can't wait to see you next weekend!

Anonymous said...

My dear sweet Katie (my favorite)you deserve this. You worked so hard at school for this. I am so very proud of you. Can't wait to see you this weekend. Love Ya.
Your old grannie