Monday, July 16, 2007

The N-Word

Personally, I have never been fond of the word. In fact, I can flat out say that even hearing it makes me upset and uncomfortable. This word was used in a derogatory form when slaveowners were refering to or disciplining their African slaves. The word is visciously hostile, and is only acceptable for other African Americans to use it. But I don't agree with the acceptablity of the usage of the word by anyone. If African Americans can use the word, the word is just going to stay in the English language. I love the idea of burying the word forever. I never want my children (or any child) to be exposed to this word, or the prejudice and deep history of hatred that is attatched with this word.

Last week, the NAACP held a funeral for the word. The funeral was completely symbolic, and has done what it was meant to do-spark conversation. The word could never be outlawed, because of the wonderful first amendment to our Constitution, but awareness of the issue, may help to make people think before they speak. While I would never advocate taking away the freedom of speech, I do believe many people abuse the freedom.

This weekend I was made aware of the prejudice and ugliness of the word even more than ever before. My best friend's boyfriend is African American. He is a very great guy, and it really doesn't matter what color he is. They have a child, who is my Godson, and I love him to death. A friend of mine asked me this weekend how my friend and her son were doing, and as I was speaking, a guy that I graduated with butt in an interrupted me and said, "Yeah but he's a N*****." Like this guy shouldn't care or listen to me because of the color of his skin. I blew up upon hearing that. I usually can keep my cool, even if something someone says bothers me, but when you talk about someone whom I love dearly, then you will get an earfull. I honestly will never look at this person the same way, and I was personally offended by the comment. This little boy is not even two and he's already being discriminated against because of the color of his skin.

1 comment:

kristine said...

I know what you mean. It makes me uncomfortable as well. It's such an ugly word. I think it is very appropriate that they held a "funeral" for it. Even though it really won't make a difference. We will still hear it all of the time, I am sure.