Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I got the news that I have been waiting three months for yesterday! I am no longer an intern at the City, and I am now a certified full-time employee! I am excited! I knew that they were working on a position for me, but it seemed to be taking quite awhile! I knew I would get benefits, but wasn't sure about a raise. I was hoping/praying for a raise, but wasn't sure if I would get one. I was going to stay on as an intern here regardless of a new position, because it's hard to get a good job without the experience. So now it's finalized, and I got a $10 raise!! Meaning I am making $10 an hour MORE than I was last week! That's huge! I will also get other benefits, but I am just waiting for that paperwork!

The only (kind of) bummer is the 40 hours a week thing. I was working 30 hours a week (plus full-time at school), and I thought that was tough. I am just going to have to manage my time better! Before, I would get off of work at 2:30, go to the gym, go home and eat, and go to school. Now, on the days I have school, my time at the gym will have to be limited. It's not terrible, but it kind of stinks! But I would take the pay raise over that, and I work out in the mornings before work anyways!

It's amazing what a little degree will get you, or maybe my standards were just too low to begin with! Either way, I am happy! Now I can help Josh a little more with grocery expenses, and actually save some money for a house! What a concept??

I have tons of pictures to come of my trip to DC last week...I've just been too busy to add them yet! They will come though! It was an amazing trip!!


kristine said...

Congratulations, katie! That is so exciting! It sucks that you have to work more hours, but I am sure having the experience and the title under your belt will help you in the long run, too.

Anonymous said...

How exciting. You could do you workouts at home after work or school.... but yes you will just have to sit down and figure it all out. This is just a beginning for you. You are now on your up hill climb. Congrat sweetheart.... Grandma and Grandpa are very proud of you....Yes pictures of DC will be fun.