Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Sad Day...

It was a very sad day for me on Monday. I gave my two weeks notice at the daycare! I didn't think that I would ever do that until I graduated or got an internship, but I just had to. At the daycare, we have our set schedules, but a few weeks ago I looked at the schedule and noticed that my hours were cut. Being a poor college student, I went to the office to express my concern to the owner and he told me don't worry about it. He said just come in at the time you normally did, and I will find something for you to do, because you are so good with the kids I want to keep you around. Well the next day I did come in at my normal time (not the later time that the schedule indicated) and the director, who I don't respect, came up to me and asked me to talk to her in her office. She explained to me that she had to cut my hours because they hired a new girl, and this new girl said she needed more hours. So what was her logic? She decided to cut my hours, a hardworking person who has been there for two years. Doesn't really seem fair to me! The reason why they had to hire this new girl was because another girl in our group was going on maternity leave. The director also had the audacity to tell me not to be mad at Kristen (the soon-to-be mommy) for having her baby, implying that I thought it to be her fault! This isn't the first time the director has acted like a biotch! In fact it was just the last time I was going to put up with it! She has told my pregnant coworker many times that she is very big, even though her baby was measuring behind. She has also harassed (and yes thats what I would call making fun of and belittling people) me and many other of my coworkers. I decided that enough was enough, and I went job hunting! I applied and got hired at Target just as a cashier. Target sounds like an exciting job with a lot of new and fresh people! I am sure I won't deal with the same degree of harrassment there, and I can finally breathe! So when I gave my two weeks notice, the director didn't seem to care, but the owner definately did. He tried (and is still trying) to convince my to stay. I made up my mind and have to do something for myself for once! I told him that I couldn't work for someone who didn't respect me, and I am really sad that I have to leave the kids that I have been with for two years! It's extremely hard for me to leave them, in fact the reason that I haven't left up until now is the kids! I still have to try to find a way to tell week sometime! Although its a sad ending at the daycare, I am hoping it will be a good beginning too!

1 comment:

kristine said...

Aww..Katie. I am so sorry to hear about that! It really sucks when you are working for someone that doesn't even care. I know it will be hard for you to have to leave the kids, but you need to put yourself first! I think you will really enjoy working at Target. PLUS you will get the discount!! That'll be nice! Good for you for doing the right thing instead of sticking it out because of the kids!