Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy be politically correct!

Okay, I'll just say it...Merry Christmas. Or umm belated Christmas? I have neglected this blog once again! This blog is more for my sanity, but I get a few visitors once in awhile. I just love the Christmas time of year. I start feeling the "bug" on Thanksgiving, and it continues right up until Christmas day! It's almost as if the anticipation for the holiday season lasts so long...and then before you know it, Christmas has come and gone in a flash! I'm sad to see it gone, but it was a wonderful Christmas!

Both Josh and I spent Christmas with our wonderful families together! Christmas is about family time, and we couldn't have asked for a better year or for better families! MY only regret is that more of my side of the family could get together! I love getting together with Josh's family, but it also makes me a bit jealous because, for the most part, they all live around the same area.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!

1 comment:

kristine said...

I hear ya on the family thing. I also hate not being close to all of the family. I think david probably gets jealous as well. All of my blood family is here and most of his is up there... I wish we could spend every holiday with everyone - easily!